Pro-Test Deutschland: Standing up for science in Germany!

Today we welcome the launch a brand new science advocacy organization, and a new member of the Speaking of Research Family, Pro-Test Deutschland!


Pro-Test Deutschland is a grassroots science organization founded by 18 young scientists and supporters of medical progress in the German university town of Tübingen.

The need for such a grassroots campaign in Germany has never been greater, as over the past few years the rhetoric of animal rights activists in Germany has been getting steadily more extreme. This culminated last month with the announcement by Professor Nikos Logothetis, a leading neuroscientist at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen, that he would be ending his research with non-human primates. His decision followed a series of false allegations by animal rights activists, and a campaign of vilification and intimidation against him, his family and his colleagues.

A lot can change in a month. Within days of Prof. Logothetis announcement over 4,000 scientists in Germany and beyond had signed a motion in solidarity with him and his colleagues, and the Max Planck Society issued a strong statement of support. The events in Tübingen spurred the wider European scientific community to take a strong public stance on the necessity of animal research, and its intervention played an important role in yesterday’s decision by the European Commission to reject the Stop Vivisection Initiative.

The launch of Pro-Test Deutschland comes at a critical time for science in Germany, and indeed in the EU as a whole, and we look forward to working with our new friends to support animal research that is so crucial to advancing science and medicine.

Below is the text of a press release that Pro-Test Deutschland issued yesterday to announce their launch. They have also issued an invitation letter to anyone who would like to get involved with details on how to get in touch.

Press Release June 3rd, 2015

Pro-Test Germany, a supplier of reliable information and advocate for animal testing in research

Tübingen, June 3, 2015

Pro-Test Germany is an initiative intended to lend a voice to science. Its primary goal is to educate the public on scientific, ethical, legal, social and psychological aspects of animal research. In addition, Pro-Test Germany will provide reliable information to help those better understand the role of animals in research and the benefits to society.

Today the European Commission decided that the 2 010/63/EU directive for the protection of research animals will not be affected by zealous antivivisectionists. This is good news for animal welfare. And it is good news for our society as a whole, as this decision issues a clear vote for science and research in the EU.

The often one sided campaign led by animal research opponents has recently left a huge impression on Tübingen, Germany. For one instance, the renowned neuroscientist Nikos Logothetis had decided to withdraw from his primate research to escape ongoing threats and harassment. Until now there has been very little public support for this research, especially from the scientific community, even Logothetis lamented a lack of support in his decision letter.

A powerful voice in the public debate is largely absent. Where have the scientists been during these one sided discussions? Scientists, whom are the most familiar with this research, are largely afraid to speak out because of the potential hostility or because they may not be understood or able to convey a message that the public understands. Not all scientists are adept at speaking out about their research; however, Pro-Test Deutschland aims to educate and provide a secure platform for scientists to speak and the community to get involved.

The view that animal testing in research is not only ethical but also necessary may be widespread, but it is rarely openly professed. For many people outside of science, it is also often difficult to obtain reliable information, such as reports on the outcomes of animal research and their public benefit. This fundamental problem has been acknowledged by young scientists in Tübingen. So by now, it is time to release Pro-Test Germany, an advocacy group for animal research and a voice lent to science. The founders of Pro-Test Germany believe that animal testing in research is ethically and scientifically necessary. All the while supporting a broad societal discussion based on information and literature that ranges through all sides of the story. Thus, to promote an informed and fair debate, Pro-Test Germany will provide a point of contact for all those who want to learn about the role of animals in science.

Pro-Test Germany is initially aimed at building a website that collects data, facts and personal testimonies concerning animal research and its final outcomes. The homepage at is going live tonight on June 3, 2015. Additionally, a social media campaign has already begun on Facebook and Twitter. In due course, further activities will also be tackled, such as informational events, lecture series, open letters, rallies etc. The objective is to push Pro-Test Deutschland as far past the Swabian university city limits as possible.

Twitter: @ProTestDE

Pro-Test Deutschland_logo

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