Switzerland releases 2014 animal research statistics

[16.11.15] The statistics in this post have been corrected. Previously we showed figures from studies completed in the last quarter. Here are the official 2014 statistics

Earlier this week we focused on Finland’s animal research statistics, now we move 1,000 miles south west to Switzerland.  We have translated the Swiss National Statistics on animal research, and provided much of the information in the table below.

Animal Research in Switzerland by species and use
Animal Research in Switzerland by species and use

Overall, there were 606,505 animals (not including invertebrates except Cephalopoda and lobsters) used in research and animal testing in Switzerland in 2014. Most of these animals were involved in basic research, which overwhelmingly used mice.

Animal Research in Switzerland in 2014 by Species Chart
Animal Research in Switzerland, 2014. Click to Enlarge

95% of the research was conducted on mice, rats, fish and birds – similar to other European countries. Monkeys (251), cats (788) and dogs (3,286) together accounted for 0.7% of all research animals.

Animals used in research in Switzerland Pie Chart 2014
Species of Animals Used in Switzerland in research and testing in 2014

Suffering was also measured and classified under four categories of severity. 42% of experiments were sub-threshold, 35% were mild, 21% were moderate and 2% were classified as severe.

Animal Research use since 1983
Animal Research use since 1983

Overall there has been a steady downward trend in the number of animals used in research in Switzerland over the last 30 years, although this has stabilised more recently.