Alzheimer’s Research with Primates: Speaking of Research in The Conversation

September 2, 2022 In a new article in The Conversation, three Speaking of Research committee members write about how primate research can advance understanding of Alzheimer’s Disease. The topic is an important one, affecting many people.  The authors write: “As of 2022, an estimated 6.5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease, an illness that robs people … Continue reading Alzheimer’s Research with Primates: Speaking of Research in The Conversation

Interview with the Director: The importance of the Washington National Primate Research Center

June 27, 2022Chris Petkov & Renee Hartig Primate neuroscience research has been a bedrock of scientific discoveries on how the brain works. This has led to scientific breakthroughs and discoveries to advance treatments for Parkinson’s disease and many other disorders, including clinical depression and blindness. Primate research has also been critical for advancing vaccines to … Continue reading Interview with the Director: The importance of the Washington National Primate Research Center

An important thing The Guardian and PETA can do to protect primates

June 9, 2022 In January 2021 a UK news outlet, The Guardian, wrote about new guidelines aimed at reducing the trade and acceptance of nonhuman primates as pets. The particular focus, following evidence and recommendations from international primatological societies, was on posting and dissemination of photos in which scientists and others--including "celebrity primatologists"-- pose with … Continue reading An important thing The Guardian and PETA can do to protect primates

Openness Improves the Public’s Perception of Animal Research

March 9th, 2022Chris Petkov Much of the public supports vital animal research conducted in the most humane way possible. Yet, animal rights activists, seeking to end all animal research regardless of its societal worth, continue to propagate the perception that animal research is cruel, unnecessary, hidden and not supported by the public or government. The … Continue reading Openness Improves the Public’s Perception of Animal Research

How do the US National Primate Research Centers benefit science and society?

March 9, 2022Agnes Lacreuse, Amanda Dettmer, & Allyson J. Bennett Research with monkeys and other nonhuman primates (NHPs) is important for understanding threats to human health that range from Alzheimer's disease to cancer and diabetes, addiction, Parkinson’s disease, and more. This research is also a fundamental building block for understanding how the brain works, how … Continue reading How do the US National Primate Research Centers benefit science and society?

What’s Happening with Campaigns and Legislation Aimed at US Animal Research

July 7, 2019 Recent campaigns targeting nonhuman animal research in the US have illustrated how strategies and groups that are old, new, and convergences of the two can affect science and the public that benefits from new knowledge and advances in science and medicine. We’ve written about a number of these issues over the years, … Continue reading What’s Happening with Campaigns and Legislation Aimed at US Animal Research

Scientific societies express concern about Max Planck Society’s actions

Last week we posted an open letter from scientists expressing concerns and urging the community to speak out about actions taken by the Max Planck Society (MPS) against Prof. Nikos K. Logothetis, the director of the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics (MPI-BC, Tübingen). The letter continues to receive comments of concern and support for … Continue reading Scientific societies express concern about Max Planck Society’s actions

Open letter: Private workshop on the “necessity” of monkey research does not represent broad public interests or the scientific community

This weekend there will be science marches around the globe. Scientists and science proponents will gather to provide a visible sign of support for work that benefits the public, the environment, and the world in innumerable ways. The march has been highly publicized  - rightfully so, because it serves as a reminder that scientific research … Continue reading Open letter: Private workshop on the “necessity” of monkey research does not represent broad public interests or the scientific community