If you don’t want to miss a thing

Thanks to the incredible work of the SR committee, the amount of news we produce has risen to the point that there are posts almost every other day. Our end-of-week Research Roundup allows readers to keep abreast of the week's animal science news, while we also cover news from animal rights groups, worldwide statistics, and more.  Our … Continue reading If you don’t want to miss a thing

Animal Liberation Front Press Office become desperate

In a pathetic attempt to be noticed, North American Animal Liberation Press Officer (NAALPO), Jason S. Miller, decided to send an email to a group of researchers, research institutions and pro-research groups (including SR). In an email containing links to typical AR pseudo-science, misinformation and misanthropic philosophy, Jason kindly explained our future: Your newly formed … Continue reading Animal Liberation Front Press Office become desperate

Tom Holder, SR Founder, heads to UCLA

Tom Holder, founder of Speaking of Research and member of the original UK Pro-Test group, will arrive in Los Angeles (jet lagged) on Friday April 17th. After a good nights sleep and several cups of tea he will be on hand to help UCLA Pro-Test in their activities from Saturday April 18th onwards. Holder will … Continue reading Tom Holder, SR Founder, heads to UCLA